advice from the sound hound
Jade Beagle offers commentary on Australian transport issues drawing on thoughts from John Austen.
The articles below are listed in chronological order.
The articles are located in 6 groups which can be found by clicking on ARTICLES (next to HOME) in the sub-heading at the top of this page.
The groups are: Roads; Rail; Plans and assessments; Federal-State relations; Bits and pieces; More interesting stuff. These groups list articles in alphabetical order.
The location of an article in a group is identified in italics at the end of its description below.
Roads 1, 2 and 3: introduce some issues in roads policies.[Roads]
Audit: provides some background to the submission to Infrastructure Australia. [Plans & assessments]
Sydney fares submission: raises some aspects to be considered in the review of Opal card fares. [Bits & pieces].
Sydney: deals with some issues regarding transport and arguments for Constitutional change.[Federal-State relations]
Governance: provides background for forthcoming articles on substantive transport issues.[Federal-State relations]
Federal urban transport prelude: identifies some broad policy direction.[Federal-State relations]
Commonwealth urban transport?: more detail on federal urban transport [Federal-State relations]
Transport policy post Williams: summarises Commonwealth urban transport. [Federal-State relations]
Zombie road apocalypse: rounds out roads in 2015. [Roads]
Sydney 2 post monorail exhibit 1: makes some suggestions to improve and extend bicycle policy [Bits & pieces]
High speed rail a note: identifies some quirks with the recent official high speed rail studies. [Rail]
A better mousetrap? reviews the Grattan Institute's work on transport investment. [Plans & assessments]
Big things in transport: offers some advice for the 2016 election campaign. [Federal-State relations]
Sydney 2 exhibit 2 Toucheth not the monorail: looks at some practical issues about Commonwealth involvement in urban transport projects. [Federal-State relations]
High speed rail where to: gives some suggestions about restarting high speed rail proposals in Australia. [Rail]
If only governments spent what they collected from roads: looks, yet again, at this argument. [Roads]
Mousetrap 2: updates and expands on a better mousetrap. [Plans & assessments]
Road pricing: is a simple guide to the discussion. [Roads]
Higher speed rail, why Newcastle?: considers some comparative aspects of a proposal for high speed rail Sydney to Wollongong. [Rail] [Plans & assessments]
High speed rail again!: raises some questions regarding the CLARA proposal. [Rail]
Road reform: accompanies the road pricing article and looks at road funding challenges. [Roads]
Australian infrastructure plan: suggests improvements to the plan. [Plans & assessments]
Time for Federal action? Newcastle port: considers the restrictions on Newcastle port included in the recent privatisations. [Federal-State relations]
Update on a sell-out: update on Newcastle port privatisation. [Federal-State relations]
Urban railways and developers: offers some caution about developer led railways in big cities. [Rail]
Yawn: looks again at claims about 'road reform'. [Roads]
Western Sydney rail submission: is a submission to the Commonwealth/NSW scoping study October 2016. [Rail]
Its time: is about the Commonwealth/NSW western Sydney rail scoping study. [Rail]
Toucheth not the monorail: western Sydney rail provides background to the submission. [Rail]
Toucheth not the monorail: (Sydney) metro summary business case considers the summary and west metro announcement. [Rail] .
Roads - another deficit year considers the latest official road spending and revenue data. [Roads]
A bad day on the East Hills line tries to give some perspective about public commentary. [Rail]
Badgerys Creek considers some western Sydney transport issues. [Rail]
Some thoughts on NSW ports offers some comments on recent bloggings. [Bits & pieces]
Data: is a submission to the National Transport Commission on 'who moves what where'. [Bits & pieces]
Beagles paws 1 provides some observations about the energy situation. [Bits & pieces]
Austral obscura 1 suggests abolition of the Transport and Infrastructure Ministerial Council as the first step in a national rail policy; [Rail] [Federal-State relations]
Austral obscura 2 provides more details for 1. [Rail] [Federal-State relations]
Macro-micro, Westconnex and westies considers the paradox of macro-economic experts calling for more infrastructure while projects underway are criticised. [Roads] [Plans & assessments]
Freight 1 offers some principles for freight policy. [Bits & pieces]
Debt: the good, the bad and the ..... points out a flaw in the 2017 debate about 'good' and 'bad' Commonwealth debt. [Bits & pieces]
Quo vadis..... notes a disparity between flashes of modern thinking by the Prime Minister and the usual infrastructure monologue. [Federal-State relations]
Doubling up... considers the May 2017 discussion about Badgerys Creek rail and the role of the Commonwealth. [Rail] [Federal-State relations]
Meddling..... suggests how the Commonwealth might 'meddle' in big city rail, [Rail] [Federal-State relations]
Hume highway.... what needs to be done to stop its misuse. [Roads] [Federal-State relations]
Heavy vehicle price regulator submission - submission to Commonwealth departments. [Roads]
Weird scenes outside the gold mine - reviews Infrastructure Australia's report on public transport franchising. [Rail] [Plans & assessments]
A job for Hollywood Harold - advice on the next stage of 'road reform'. [Roads]
Freight and logistics - submission to the 2017 Commonwealth departmental inquiry. [Bits & pieces]
Earth to Canberra - we have problems looks at corridor protection [Plans & assessments]
Sideshow alley - more on corridor protection [Plans & assessments]
Earth to Canberra 2 - looks the Infrastructure Australia's published evaluation of Sydney Metro. [Rail] [Plans & assessments]
Sydney salutes the toilet gang - the 30 minute city and echoes of localism. [Plans & assessments] [Bits & pieces]
Wonderland! Glory and Evaluation - asks for an update to the evaluation of Westconnex. [Roads] [Plans & assessments]
The dog that didn't bark - a curious aspect of the Maldon-Dombarton rail proposal. [Rail] [Plans & assessments]
All things must pass - the Australasian Railways Association national plan. [Rail] [Federal-State relations]
Infrastructure priorities - a response to the invitation for the public to identify infrastructure priorities [Plans & assessments]
Grasshopper - update on road pricing October 2017. [Roads] [Federal-State relations]
Trouble in paradise 1 - some matters regarding big projects and the 3 cities plan for Sydney [Plans & assessments, Federal State relations]
Trouble in paradise 2 - the Greater Sydney Regional plan and NSW future transport plan November 2017 [Plans & assessments, Federal State relations, Rail]
Rock and road reform - an eminent one to lead road reform [Roads]
Future Transport - submission to NSW Future Transport and Greater Sydney Regional Plan drafts [Plans & assessments, Rail]
Paradise revisited - December 2017 Sydney infrastructure highlights [Plans & assessments, Rail, Federal State relations]
Sydney impedimenta Deo contraria - (God opposing Sydney trains) [Rail]
A tiresome chore - January 2018, road statistics and policy [Road, Federal State relations]
Boogie men - a suggestion for Sydney City Council [Bits & pieces]
Purgatory - a collection on Sydney rail [Rail]
Freight NSW - submission to NSW draft freight plan [Bits & pieces]
Rail gun - the Hamilton dawdler - Claims about Metro v. rail to 'Newcastle' (actually Hamilton) [Rail]
Untitled - comments on the immigration-infrastructure 'debate' [Bits & pieces]
Bicycle thieves = renewed interest in helmut laws [Bits & pieces]
No deal! - the Western Sydney 'City Deal' [Rail, Federal-State relations]
Dogs breakfast - letter to the Daily Telegraph on 'We're for Sydney' [Rail]
Dogs breakfast for two - letter to the Daily Telegraph on another correction for 'We're for Sydney' [Rail]
Dogs breakfast for three - letters on Western Sydney deal - to Prime Minister etc [Rail]
Is nothing sacred? - gala dinner for Sydney 'Go West' campaign held in eastern half of Sydney [Rail]
WOOHOO! - the NSW community dividend fund [Bits & pieces]
Pantheon of Ignominy - an initiative and an invite [Bits & pieces]
Magic - how the NSW Government destroyed its own case for Sydney Metro [Rail, Almost new]
Zero - a follow up to magic and a rating of policy effort to date [Rail, Almost new]
Freight chainsaw - some comments on Australian freight policy [Almost new]